Sonshine Prancing Pony


What do you get when you cross a beautiful Golden named 
Rosie with another spectacular Golden
 named Ayden?  You get Bree! 

For all of you Lord of the Rings fans, Bree is our third generation of females named with that theme.  Her grandmother is Arwen of the Ring, and her mommy is Rosie of the Shire. 

Ayden, Goodtime's The Perfect Man At Lakesyde, is her sire and does not belong to us.  You may click on his name to see his  picture and read a little bit more about him.  

Bree is everything I could have hoped for.  She is feminine yet has nice bone and a beautiful build.  Just like her parents, she is confident, playful yet calm, loving, desires to please... everything a Golden is supposed to be. 



Here is the song that inspired her name:

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